Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Overnight Update

We're working hard to upgrade our overnight broadcasts. This is a joint effort of the IT and Engineeing Depts. Our IT guru has already made good progress and we're about 90% there. Funds from the recent fund drive are paying for much of this work... so thanks again to all who contributed.


Anonymous said...


I'm glad to see you're back to normal in the overnight hours. I often listen to you during these hours whilst working in the far-away land of Singapore.

One thing I have noticed though: the 'length' of the broadcast is always listed as 41' 40" instead of continuous. This has the effect (with some clients, such as iTunes), to cut off the broadcast after that much time, meaning about every 40 minutes I have to go back and manually restart.

Just thought you'd like to know while you're reconfiguring your streams.

CraigG said...

Unfortunately, we cannot replicate that issue. We set our stream to have an infinite length.

As a work around, visit:

Click on the last link, "Having trouble...” It may produce better results.

It could also be the version of iTunes you’re using.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. The problem was fixed by re-downloading the .pls file. I have been listening for a long time and this must be an old bug.

Anonymous said...

Since the overnight program of music selections, plays whenever no disc jockeys or students are available, isn't it time to add more interesting music? I also want to add that the students sound professional, especially Carleton, Samantha. They make a good representation around the world, about Cleveland, Kenston High school and WKHR FM.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I stay in the southeast section of Cleveland and am still getting static in the background. It was mentioned that moisture on the transmitter caused this last Winter. Is that problem still present? I have to re-adjust my antenna every few hours.

Anonymous said...

Do the announcers have to interupt and chatter while the music is playing? Could they wait untill the music is completely finishe, before chattering. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you guys realize this, but the music on the overnight schedule keeps repeating the same tunes every night. Is there a way to add more music? I have been listening for 10 years now. Isn't about time to update that program?

Anonymous said...

Are new music selections that play during the day, when students do the broadcast ever gonna play overnight, as well? What's with the difference between the day program and the night tired old program, already?

Anonymous said...

Is it necessary to talk while the music is still playing? It ruins the end of many song endings. Paul Weston Orchestra has great endings, but announcers like the Bob's and other deejays don't wait until the song is finished, before going on and on about how great that song was. The song with no ending, due to the announcers anxious to chatter, interuptions. Radio deejays should take into consideration, that listeners would rather hear the entire song. I wait until a song finishes before turning off my radio at night. The announcers should be so indulgant. Would it hurt them to be more courteous of the avid listeners? Much of the chatter, I know already and does little to keep me interested in hearing more of the deejays program.